Roulette table, and should contain private instance variables for its payoff (assume payoff:1), and the user's bet on that The RouletteSpot class represent sone betting spot on the Include instance methods to 'spin the wheel' (use the random method in the Math class to get a number 0 - 36, inclusive), another to return the 'chosen' int, and another to return the 'chosen' int's color.
The constructor OR DECLARATION should initialize the array so each element has its correct color (see game description). The RouletteWheel class should contain private instance variables for the 'chosen' number (int between 0 and 36, inclusive, where 0 and 36 are public static final constants) and an array of 37 elements, where each element is boolean (true if red, false if black) OR an enumerated type for RED and BLACK OR Color. (Optional: write a class for RoulettePlayer) You will also have a RouletteGame (see 4. The following classes are to be included (with ONLY instance methods): RouletteWheel (see 1. The simplified game to play is described below. 6 & 7 versions will use many of the same classes and methods.
Write a Java program to play Roulette (with the European wheel, simplified version) with one user/player. Each of these methods have an no parameters & no return value (void). Write an interface called GameInterface which has only abstract instance methods called initGame, playGame, andĭisplayResults.